As asserted by holding company Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Freeport Indonesia is fully and unhesitatingly committed to human rights. We conduct our activities in ways which are consistent with the Human Rights Declaration principles and our holding company is signatory to, and takes active part in, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
The human rights policies of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. are mandatory to all operations and contractors, as they ensure fair treatment and working conditions for all employees, including the freedom of association and assembly, and prohibit the employment of children. We do not condone any form of violence whatsoever and offer protection to anyone reporting alleged violations.
Human Rights Compliance Officers are placed throughout our operations. They are there to ensure that any report on human rights violations is documented, investigated, and resolved within a short period of time. Communications and training courses on company human rights policies are delivered to employees, contractors, and, if needed, to members of government unit commands in support of consistent and informed implementation of all the parties involved.
Overseeing our human rights program is a renowned international expert, namely Justice Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, who presided over the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. She has been a prominent public prosecutor for civil rights, a US federal judge, and president of the International Crime Court for the country formerly known as Yugoslavia. She serves as a Special Counselor for Human Rights and as an Advising Director on the Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc board.
To our knowledge, to date and throughout 2018, there has been not one employee or contractor of Freeport Indonesia found guilty of gross human rights violations. However, employees and contractors of Freeport Indonesia do have reported 20 alleged human rights violations. The cases did not involve human rights violations in any way by personnel of Freeport Indonesia towards the community; they were incidents against or among our own employees. All cases have been documented and investigated or are being investigated by the Human Rights Compliance Officer of Freeport Indonesia or by a competent government agency.
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