PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is a mining, exploration and ore processing company, which recognizes its role and responsibility in supporting resource conservation and sustainable development, with special emphasis on Central Papua and East of Java To achieve this commitment, PTFI will:

  • Comply in all material respects with applicable environmental laws and regulations, with voluntary commitments to which it subscribes, and with the requirements of the FCX Environmental Policy (compliance obligations related to PTFI environmental aspects).
  • Apply risk management strategies to seek means to protect environment and prevent environmental pollution.
  • Seek continuing improvement by implementing an environmental management system to enhance environmental performance that sets objectives and targets, which are based on valid data and sound science; by reviewing targets set in the Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL); and by regular internal and external audits.
  • Ensure that environmental considerations are an integral part of all planning, engineering, and operations.
  • Work with communities near our operations by applying mutual respect and developing active partners.
  • Contribute to climate strategy action by promoting energy management and other means to achieve ambitious climate goals.
  • Orient toward resource efficiency, preventing waste, promote Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) and disposal of products used in the operations.
  • Contribute to conservation of nature, biodiversity and integrated approach to land use planning to minimize net loss of biodiversity for new mines and major axpansions.
  • Respect legally designated protected areas, including commitment to no mining and exploring in UNESCO World Heritage sites..
  • Ensure that this policy is documented, communicated to all employees and persons working on behalf of the organization, and made available to all interested parties.

PTFI's Board of Directors members accept the responsibility implied in these commitments


Tony Wenas


1 August 2023