In achieving this sustainable development objective, PTFI and YPMAK actively endeavor to improve community health by helping to create clean and healthy environments. PTFI and YPMAK also encourage residents to practice a clean and healthy lifestyle. The extremely limited presence of healthcare facilities and services have moved PTFI and YPMAK to build the hospital Rumah Sakit Mitra Masyarakat (RSMM) in the lowlands, and the hospital Rumah Sakit Waa Banti (RSWB) in the highlands, towards increasing and easing community access to healthcare services.
PTFI and YPMAK are also continuing collaboration with its partners to develop and implement community health programs focused on hygiene and sanitation; control of infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS; dan TB; masalah Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak; dan upaya-upaya untuk mengurangi penyakit menular seperti Malaria. Selain itu, YPMAK juga membantu beberapa kampung dalam hal mendapatkan akses ke air bersih.
The Mitra Masyarakat Hospital (RSMM)
The Mitra Masyarakat Hospital (RSMM) and Waa Banti Hospital (RSWB) are hospitals established through the PTFI Partnership Fund. RSMM is operated by the Caritas Timika Foundation (YCT), while RSWB is run by International SOS.
RSMM is a type C hospital which provides complete health services which encompasses promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects. RSMM provides four specialistic services (surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics, and pediatrics) and regular visits from an ophthalmologist. RSMM is equipped with sophisticated medical equipment to support its services.
RSMM, which was officially opened in August 1999, provides general health service and accepts referrals, for the population in the Mimika Regency, particularly those living in the lowland areas. However, the hospital also provides significant contribution to health service by accepting referrals - for the communities living in the highland area and the regencies around Mimika.
Waa-Banti Hospital
RSMM is the first hospital in Papua to receive accreditation from the Ministry of Health in 2008. In 2011, RSMM again received accreditation for its five services in Administration and Management, Health Service, Emergency Response, Nursing, and Medical Records.
This is a type D hospital which began its operation in 2001. RSWB serves the communities in the highland areas. The hospital is managed by International SOS, a professional international company engaged in the health sector. Besides providing curative and rehabilitative health services to the public, RSWB also carries out activities in promotive and preventive aspects that are integrated with the YPMAK community health programs.
PTFI and YPMAK are sponsoring several clinics in the Mimika Regency in order to provide the communities with more access to health service facilities. These clinics are spread out in several areas such as: SP IX, SP XII, Nayaro, and Pomako. These clinics are operationally managed by CPHMC (as one of the sections of the SLD/CR department).
A health program is implemented to improve the quality of communities’ health through various disease prevention and curative programs. Within this framework, PTFI through the CPHMC Department, makes several efforts to raise the people’s awareness to practice a clean and healthy life style. YPMAK has also established an organizational structure at the Health Bureau to support the community health program.
CCPHMC and YPMAK continue to carry out promotional activities and provide health education for the community members in the form of health discussions, group sessions, and through special events such as World AIDS Day and World TB Day.
The community health program implemented by CPHMC and YPMAK is focused on: Mother-Child Health, Malaria Control, HIV/AIDS Control, TB Control, and Clean Water and Sanitation.
In each community health program, the following components are present: 1. Providing a media for health promotion; 2. Training and empowerment of the community; 3. Survey and supervision programs; 4. Village-based programs.
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