In order to increase PTFI’s production to 300,000 tons of ore per day (300K), land is needed to build and expand supporting facilities, including the tailing deposition area (Ajkwa Deposition Area/ADA) which encompasses the Amamapare/Cargo Dock area, Pad XI, and the power plant transmission line. This area, covering approximately 30,860 ha, is the ulayat of the Kamoro tribe, and the Nawaripi/Koperapoka and Tipuka sub-tribes, and needs to undergo a relinquishment process under Agrarian Law number 5 of 1960.
PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) supports basic infrastructure development in Mimika Regency so as to improve the quality of life of the local communities. Various facilities and infrastructure built in the health, education and economic spheres, along with public facilities, are intended to facilitate access to adequate basic services for communities, expedite the use of benefits derived from community development activities, and support the sustainability of the program's benefits for local communities. This infrastructure development is taking place both in the highlands and the lowlands.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
Untuk melihat lowongan, silakan akses melalui link berikut: ptfi e-recruitment
Untuk melihat informasi magang, silakan akses melalui link berikut: Internship Program