07 March 2016
Social Responsibility Company or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that organizations, particularly companies have various forms of responsibility towards all stakeholders, amongst them are customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of company operations that include economic, social, environmental and cultural.
Indonesia CSR Society (ICSRS), a CSR forum named 'Cagak Sawita Rupa', comprises of 15 private companies engaged in all areas of business established since 2013. The establishment of this forum is to facilitate CSR practitioners from these companies to meet regularly to form networks and openly discuss, exchange and share views and information on a variety of topics and issues related to the policy and CSR at the moment and that will be the trend in general in the future, and to develop plans and strategies for future front in Indonesia.
As a forum, ICSRS goal is to carry out important projects which include social responsibility activities of companies in various fields. As for educational activities, seminars, workshops with guest speakers on topics of CSR is beneficial for society, businesses and governments. This was stated by Chairman ICSRS, Dr. M. Gunawan Alif who is also a Vice-Rector of the University of Sampoerna, when these CSR forum visit and conduct various activities in Solus Populi Dormitory - SP 3, Tuesday (23/2).
"We have the spirit and the same desire to help people, because we are aware of the problems of society if no one cares and tries to help solve them it will become a big problem. Companies realize that companies have limitations, that is where the idea emerged to jointly work together to provide the best results. This is the main purpose of the formation of ICSRS. In addition, to give understanding to the community, the government and NGOs, THAT CSR activities are not solely-for help or money alone, but how to optimize programs sustainable CSR that can provide long-term benefits for the people who receive it." Clearly Gunawan.
Gunawan added, integrated programs implemented by ICSRS covering areas ranging from education, health, animal husbandry, agriculture, farming, trade, small industries, medium and small. On the other hand ICSRS also trying to help what has been done on each of the companies that have joined. One example is PTFI. Here the company has done its CSR programs in all fields. We want to help show hello to the people of Indonesia and also the central government that the social responsibility borne by Freeport is not as easy as it is, with a good range of different challenges terrain, cultures, understanding of society and the safety factor that is often erratic. Here ICSRS role.
According to one member ICSRS representative of PT. JAPFA Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk, R. Artsanti who is also a Vice President of Public Relations, the entire program and the results of the activities carried out ICSRS always made a report to the government, be it the local government in which the activities were conducted and also the central government through the ministries related. Furthermore, in the monitor and mentoring done in a sustainable manner.
CSR representing PTFI, Yahya Alkatiri when asked what motivated PTFI join ICSRS, Yahya explained that with the merger is expected to strengthen and focus and improve the CSR programs that have been implemented PTFI by combining resources that can provide benefits to the community. Although we (PTFI) has done a lot of things but also faced many challenges. Through this forum we can share and exchange experiences and take where that could be done because we know that CSR is no basic standard, each company must have its own studies and specific methods. Not all can be duplicated for each company and the area has a different character environment. The next thing is to look at the long history of social investment PTFI course there are many things that are not maximized, now through this forum can complement each other, encourage each other and give each other feedback to improve its CSR programs.
During his visit to the jobsite ICSRS, some organized activities including dissemination of healthy lifestyles to children in elementary school Kwamki Narama and children Dormitory Solus Populi, but it is also a blood test for malaria examination. (Hendrikus)
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
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Untuk melihat informasi magang, silakan akses melalui link berikut: Internship Program