PT Freeport Indonesia donates assistance of Rp 15 billion to participate in the success of the National Sports Week (PON) XX in Papua that will be held on 2-15 October 2021. This support is meant for Papua in organizing national-scale sports events.
Read MorePT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has established its plan to build a copper processing smelter in the Gresik Special Economic Zone, Java Integrated Industrial Port and Estate (JIIPE), East Java, with a contract period of 80 years.
Read MoreTo realize Transvision's vision which is to provide informative, educational and entertaining services and impressions for all customer segments at home and abroad, the company together with PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and PT Freeport Indonesia signed a cooperation agreement regarding the provision of digital TV services with exclusive and best channels for all PTFI employees and families in the Tembagapura and Kuala Kencana jobsite areas.
Read MorePT Berlian Manyar Sejahtera (BMS), a company affiliated with PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) and PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has signed a port facility agreement at the Java Integrated and Industrial Port Estate (JIIPE) sea port in Manyar, Gresik, East Java.
Read More“PT Freeport Indonesia’s vaccination of employees have already exceeded 75% of its target, The exact figure is 77.92% or 21,102 employees who have been fully vaccinated.
Read MoreThe Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has not yet handed the management of Wabu Block over to the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Mining Industry Holding, MIND ID.
Read MorePT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) continues to be committed to making efforts to improve the quality of human resources (HR) for children on the coast of Mimika Regency, Papua. One of them is by promoting smart homes and caring for children's nutrition.
Read MorePT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) President Director Tony Wenas says there are currently around 27 thousand workers engaged in the Freeport’s copper and gold mine in Timika, Papua.
Read MorePT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) recently introduced a core value SINCERE as the company's guideline for contributing more amid the pandemic. What does it mean?
Read MorePT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has elected to continue building the new copper smelter and precious metal refinery in the Java Integrated Industrial Post and Estate (JIIPE) Gresik, East Java.
Read MoreKami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
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