As one of the world’s leading producers of copper and gold, PTFI recognizes the importance of providing these essential metals to today’s economies. PTFI has an obligation to do so in balance with its corporate and social responsibilities in order to safeguard future generations.
PTFI has adopted and abides by the ethical, social and environmental policies. Strong policies guide PTFI on the path towards sustainable development. Experience in the community shapes the implementation on of these policies in Indonesia. A commitment to transparency enables PTFI’s stakeholders to track our performance.
PTFI’s community development programs are a key business driver of its operational plan and just one part of the company’s wide spectrum of corporate social responsibility initiatives. PTFI strives to implement community development programs that have a sound business case, are complementary to its other corporate social responsibility initiatives, and are consistent with world class community development standards.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
Untuk melihat lowongan, silakan akses melalui link berikut: ptfi e-recruitment
Untuk melihat informasi magang, silakan akses melalui link berikut: Internship Program