
Electric Power
We have approximately 385MW of power generating capacity (250MW of firm capacity), consisting of a 195MW coal-fired plant at portsite and diesel plants (primarily located at the mill). The transmission line supplies the power from the coal plant to the mill. One of our partners provides the expertise in the area of maintaining and operating our power plants.

Townsites & Camps
Our primary townsites are Tembagapura (and its “suburb” Hidden Valley) in the highlands and Kuala Kencana in the lowlands. We also have camps located at Milepost 38/39, Base Camp (near the Airport) and Ridge Camp. The townsites provide our employees with services ranging from retail stores, restaurants, residential facilities, schools, medical, libraries, banks, postal services, training facilities, and recreation. Both our towns have swimming pools, and Kuala Kencana has an 18-hole golf course.

Health Clinics & Hospitals
We have a 100-bed employee hospital in Tembagapura & numerous clinics in the surrounding area. In addition, we have funded a 74-bed hospital in near-by Waa-Banti and a 101-bed hospital in Timika. This infrastructure is key in providing services to our employees and their families and the local population as well as implementing our public health programs in this remote area.

Our Timika airport is a hub for many flights to/from our project area. Through one of our partners, we operate our charter planes to transport employees between Papua and their homes in other parts of Indonesia. The airport also has attracted a number of commercial flights. Our partner also provides helicopter and other aviation support for our operations and exploration efforts.

Lime Plant
As part of our #4 Concentrator Expansion, we constructed a lime quarry & lime processing plant. The plant produces lime that is consumed at the mine and mill.

Workshops & Maintenance Facilities
We have a number of workshops located in the project area ranging from equipment maintenance shops to a steel fabrication shop in the lowlands. Some of our partners have also set up facilities in the lowands to support their efforts in providing services to our operation.

As with any operation of this size, supply chain and logistics are critical to our business. We have a proven network to supply materials to our portsite – and the required fleet of equipment to transport the materials from portsite to our operation sites throughout the project area. Another one of our partners operates our on-site logistics from port to the user as well as certain maintenance activities for non-mining equipment, road maintenance, and personnel bus transportation.

With as many people as we have on-site, one of our partners provides the catering services required to keep our workforce fed as well as operates our barracks and janitorial services.