Freeport Indonesia is committed to continuing to innovate and utilize technology in underground mining operations. To retrieve mining materials is done remotely with a tool called Minegem, where the process is similar to playing a video game. This production automation is carried out to minimize the risk of accidents and increase efficiency.
Happy 77th Mining and Energy Anniversary. Let's continue to synergize, contribute and work for the progress of mining to support Indonesia's development.
Starting from the success of hosting the XX PON in Papua in 2021, the initiative to build a program for the advancement of Papuan sports began to be formed and finally realized through the inauguration of the Papua Football Academy (PFA) on August 31, 2022 by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. PFA is a scholarship program that is fully supported by PT Freeport Indonesia in facilitating young Papuan talents in sports. PFA is also the first sports academy in Indonesia to implement FIFA Children Safeguarding. The PFA participants hone their soccer skills through disciplined training from professional coaches. They are also provided with formal education with an independent learning system, as well as character guidance. This PFA is expected to be able to produce football players from Papua with superior talents and characters.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated the launch of 5G Mining technology in collaboration with PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) with PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) in Tembagapura, Papua, on September 1, 2022. The application of 5G Mining technology, which is part of PTFI's smart-mining solution, is the first application of 5G technology in Southeast Asia's mining industry. The launch of 5G Mining was also attended by Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and President Director of Telkomsel Hendri Mulya Syam. 5G Mining technology will support the digitization and operational transformation of the mining industry in Indonesia. PT Freeport Indonesia continues to innovate and is committed to safe and sustainable mining activities.
After inaugurating the Papua Football Academy fostered by PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura, President Jokowi continued his agenda to visit the PTFI jobsite area in Tembagapura and stay in touch with PTFI employees.
Papua Football Academy is here as a forum for young Papuan talents and a form of support for developing Papua from soccer. They are facilitated with global standard training and quality boarding-style education at Mimika Sport Complex, Timika. The two-year scholarship program, fully supported by Freeport Indonesia, is expected to build enthusiasm and shape young Papuan talents into soccer athletes with superior character and broad insight.
The kick of the ball from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo marked the inauguration of the Papua Football Academy (PFA), which took place at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura Regency (31/08/2022). President Jokowi appreciates Freeport Indonesia's role in supporting the development of the Papuan community in the field of sports and hopes that through the PFA, Papuan football talents will emerge with a sporting, competitive, confident and high-achieving spirit. PFA is a program to develop the superior talent of Papuan football, which is accompanied by the provision of educational knowledge for young Papuan talents. PFA is a concrete manifestation of our commitment to social investment in sustainable development in Mimika Regency.
As the Grasberg open pit mining era ends in 2020, Freeport Indonesia has proven its commitment to managing post-mining land, namely by conducting reclamation and revegetation. In this process, plants are planted in the form of grass and shrubs with root and lime planting media so that plants can grow well. This effort is also part of Freeport Indonesia's commitment to support environmental sustainability which has an impact on the preservation of biodiversity in the operational area.
Freeport Indonesia applies good mining practices in its operations, one of which focuses on long-term tailings management. This tailings deposition area is located at the mouth of the Ajkwa River called ModADA (Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area). This comprehensive tailings management system has also received approval from the Indonesian government based on years of technical studies and reviews. This area then forms a new plain which develops into an area of reclamation and natural succession. In this area, we have planted mangrove trees sustainably since 2004, with the aim of accelerating the colonization of mangroves that grow naturally. One of these new plains with extensive mangrove forests is called Pulau Waii. The mangrove forest area in this area is also used by flora and fauna as a new habitat.
Freeport Indonesia's ongoing mission to eliminate malaria endemic in 2026 in Papua is carried out through mapping malaria in various areas, periodic socialization of malaria for residents, examination of blood samples of school children, as well as spraying and distributing mosquito nets to residents' homes. This war against malaria was carried out by the Timika Malaria Control Center team, which was fully supported by Freeport Indonesia's Community Health Development (CHD), the Amungme and Kamoro Community Empowerment Foundations and the District Health Office.
We together with the Amungme and Kamoro Community Empowerment Foundation (YPMAK) provide quality education facilities for free for the children of 7 tribes who live around the operational area. We believe that quality education can create a smart and superior generation of Papuans, that's why we set up boarding schools with technology-based curriculum, training centers and provide scholarships for students from elementary to tertiary level.
The safety of all employees in mining operations is a priority for us. One of the efforts in underground mining operations is to use remote control technology. It looks like playing a game, but being a remote control operator requires a high degree of focus.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
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