Freeport Has 27 Thousand Workers, Of Whom More Than 40% Are Native Papuans

30 August 2021

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) President Director Tony Wenas says there are currently around 27 thousand workers engaged in the Freeport’s copper and gold mine in Timika, Papua. He said the majority of workers are nationals from varying ethnicities and regions. “The number of PTFI and contractor employees is around 27 thousand, and they come from varying ethnic groups in Indonesia, with the most, at around 40 percent, being native Papuans,” Toby informed detikcom some time ago. Toby revealed PTFI consistently endeavors to increase the number of employees who are native Papuans. Some have even attained strategic positions within the company. 

"It is our commitment to continue increasing the number of native Papuan employees. We have a development and training program in place for employees, to ensure they have the competence and skills needed for their advancement towards attaining higher positions, and indeed it has proved to be successful,” he disclosed.  "For instance, one of our directors is Papuan, and 9 of our vice presidents are native Papuans. Many middle managers are similarly Papuan, and we continue to ensure this situation continues,” he said.  

Tony went on to divulge that many millennials are employed as engineers at Freeport. "As you can see, at the mine there are native Amungme who had worked for more than 20 years in Grasberg and are now managers,” he said. This, he says, is proof of the company’s spirit to encourage native Papuans to advance. Similarly, the recruitment of employees prioritizes native Papuans. "Our recruitment process primarily puts those from Papua ahead, beginning with those from Mimika regency, and then from other regions in Papua Province. If the number comes short, only then do we source from outside Papua,” he said.

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