Season's Greetings is Here

09 December 2015

It has been a long tradition within Freeport family the Freeport Christmas celebration is held in the beginning of December each year. Besides to mark the opening of the season's greetings in Jobsite communities, the reason to held the celebration in early December is to gain as many participation can be from the Christian community in Jobsite, before they leave for vacation to celebrate the holiday with their loved ones.

PTFI President Director flew all the way from Jakarta to join the celebrations with the employees and communities in Jobsite: in the Highland in Tembagapura (12/1); and in the Lowland in Kuala Kencana (12/4). This year's Christmas celebrations were special as the Papua Governor Lukas Enembe joined the celebration in Tembagapura and the Minister of Women Empowerment and Children Protection Yohana Yembise joined in Kuala Kencana.

Season's greetings is here! 

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