Freeport Send Humanitarian Team To Jayapura

18 March 2019

On Monday A team of five people will be dispatched from Timika to Jayapura by Garuda Indonesia plus two medical staff from Jakarta to Jayapura (ANTARA) –  According to Syarih Muin, Superintendent PT Freeport Indonesia, its Emergency Preparedness Respond (EPR) team will also go to the flash flood location in Sentana,  Regency of Jayapura, Papua

 Syarih Muin said the dispatch of the EPR team was approved by Zulkifli Lambali, the chief of PTFI’s Technical Mining team. It is hoped they can join the other teams under the coordination of the National Body for Disaster Mitigation (BNPB) and other rescue related missions in Sentani,” he said.

 According to him the 5 EPR team members specialize in rescue missions and are also paramedics.

 “Some of them have been working before with humanitarian teams in mitigating disasters like in Yogyakarta, Lombok, Palu to evacuate victims of the Oxibil aircrash in the Bintang Mountain regency some time ago,” he said.

 The team was equipped with water rescue and evacuation tools and other supporting equipment .

 He said we are giving priority to the evacuation process on land this time and other supporting equipment will follow.

 Riza Pratama, PT Freeport’s spokesman said dispatching the humanitarian team had priority. “It arrived at the location early to help in the ground evacuation process,” he said.

 The team will stay at the disaster site indefinitely until all needs coordinated by the BNPB have been met.

 “Providing assistance to people in dire situations, primarily in Papua, is part of PTFI’s disaster and humanitarian awareness efforts,” he said.


 Reporters Alfian Rumagit Editor: Tunggul SusiloCOPYRIGHT ANTARA 2019

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