Papua Football Academy Talent Search Singles Out 26 Best Merauke Youths

23 June 2022

The Papua Football Academy (PFA) Talent Search taking place in Merauke Regency is over. A high degree of enthusiasm was demonstrated by participating youths at the Musamus University football field in Merauke on Saturday and Sunday, 18-19 June 2022. 177 youths attended the two-day Papua Football Academy Talent Search in Merauke, to participate in the program that is fully supported by PT Freeport Indonesia to develop excellent football talent in Papua. Papuan youths were scouted who were born in the period spanning 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009 and are currently studying in seventh grade in middle school.

Papua Football Academy Technical Director Wolfgang Pikal says he was impressed by the characters of the Merauke youths participating in the talent search. “Merauke youths are very talented. Among others, they are highly communicative, and they help each other out,” said Wolfgang, a former assistant coach for the Indonesian national team during the era of Alfred Riedl, in a release that received. "Those are good assets."

Hearty welcome and support came from the Merauke regency government by way of Regent Romanus Mbaraka, serving to spur the committee to avidly generate brilliant talent from Papua towards advancing football in Indonesia. " Papua Football Academy appearing in Merauke is driving us to continue building up football here," Askab Merauke chairman Victor Ohoiwutun said. "The youths are happy about this event. They are excited to have the opportunity to join PFA."

Victor said he met with many parents of children eager to take part in the PFA talent Search. Many of them ultimately accompanied their children to travel on foot over considerable distances to reach the event’s location. "Askab Merauke has high hopes of working together with Papua Football Academy to build football in Merauke," Victor, a former Persimer backfielder in the 1990s said.

Playing on the Musamus University synthetic grass football field offered a new and exhilarating experience for participants of the PFA Talent Search. The downpour hitting Merauke City on Saturday failed to dispel their joy. “This is the first time I have played on a big synthetic grass field. It would be wonderful to be able to play often on such a splendid field,” a participant from YPK Merauke middle school, Wilhelmus Konmop said.

Over the two days of the event to test skills, the 4 Papua Football Academy coaches succeeded in selecting 26 players who passed the test. They will subsequently attend other activities including a psychological test, fingerprinting, and a medical checkup. “Congratulations to those who have passed the first stage. To those who did not succeed in moving on to the next stage, do not be disheartened. Keep your spirits up and keep on playing," Wolfgang told them. "Thanks to parents who accompanied their child to take part in the PFA Talent Search."

Boven Digoel Vice Regent Lexi Romel Wagiu who was present throughout the two-day event in Merauke said he was highly impressed with the Papua Football Academy Talent Search to scout football talent in Papua. “Thank you for bringing about this talent search program in Papua. We are delighted there is such an activity," Lexi Romel Wagiu said. " Papuan youths are thrilled and excited to attend this event." After Merauke, the Papua Football Academy Talent Search will continue the program at Cenderawasih University’s Mahacendra Stadium in Jayapura on 25 and 26 June 2022.

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