Realization of PTFI's Commitment to Protecting the Environment in a Sustainable Manner

02 March 2021

In this new normal era, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) continues striving to realize its commitment to protecting the environment in a sustainable manner. As such, a number of health protocols have been integrated into the daily work system to be followed by all employees. This resulted in several achievements during 2020.


  • Always wear a mask and maintain physical distance when monitoring the quality of water sources, carrying out reclamation and re-vegetation to reforest previously mined areas, managing tailings areas, and conducting biodiversity conservation activities.
  • Wash hands with soap immediately after returning from the field.
  • Take turns in shifts in order to limit the number of people working in one place simultaneously.
  • Minimize physical encounters by coordinating online more.


  • Reclaimed more than 1,000 hectares of tailings area at Muara Ajkwa in order to provide added value to the environment and society. This reclamation area has successfully become a biodiversity ecosystem for more than 500 species of plants, 116 species of birds, 64 species of butterflies, 22 species of reptiles, and 11 species of mammals that survive through a natural succession process. Furthermore, Ajkwa Island has also become a habitat for 9 types of mangroves, 20 types of crustaceans (shrimp and crabs), 4 types of mollusks, and 23 families of polychaeta.
  • Utilized tailings extracts as a component of formula fertilizers or a source of micronutrients needed for the growth of taro plants (talas), which are considered a staple food in Papua.
  • Delivered 4,000 tons of tailings material to Merauke Regency, Papua to be used as aggregate materials for the construction of road infrastructure and other public facilities. All of these materials have met quality standards and are used by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR Ministry) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

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