Vice President Hands Over Social Assistance and KUR to Indigenous Papuans in Mimika

12 July 2023

Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin handed over social assistance (bansos) from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to vulnerable workers and Micro People's Business Credit (KUR) for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) in Mimika. Starting his working visit to Mimika, Central Papua, on Wednesday, Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin also visited the classrooms and interacted with OAP students at the Nemangkawi Mining Institute. "Here, the President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, Tony Wenas, explained about the social activities they supported," said the Vice President.

According to the Vice President, PT Freeport Indonesia's (PTFI) social programs include scholarships and dormitories for students and health facility support in the form of health service facilities that the community can use free of charge. "At the Nemangkawi Mining Institute, they focus on preparing skilled manpower from indigenous Papuan human resources," said the Vice President. His party has also visited classrooms and interacted with Indigenous Papuan students at the Nemangkawi Mining Institute, an educational institution owned by PTFI and established in 2003.

Meanwhile, PTFI President Director Tony Wenas added that the Nemangkawi Mining Institute is a type of Job Training Center (BLK) to prepare Papuan children to become skilled workers. "The Nemangkawi Mining Institute is a vocational education institution for industrial needs with 15 engineering and three non-technical departments," he said.

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