PT Freeport Indonesia is a contractor of the Government of Indonesia. As a mining company, PTFI does not reserve the authority to grant passage to the Carstensz/Meren glacier or to Puncak Jaya (Mount Carstensz) through its operating sites.
The climbing route to Carstensz that has been approved by the government leads through a path in the Illaga region. Some outfitters organize climbs by way of the Illaga route. PTFI has no affiliation whatsoever with these organizers. PTFI is highly appreciative of the enthusiasm of climbers to mount the top of Carstensz, but it is company policy to put to the fore both legal and occupational safety at all times, and because of that it does not lie in the power of PTFI to either assist mountain climbers with granting passage through PTFI working sites or to provide logistical assistance for climbing purposes.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk berhati-hati dan mewaspadai beragam modus penipuan perekrutan yang mengatasnamakan PT Freeport Indonesia. Dalam setiap proses rekrutmen dan penerimaan karyawan, PT Freeport Indonesia maupun konsultan rekruitmennya tidak memungut biaya apapun.
Untuk melihat lowongan, silakan akses melalui link berikut: ptfi e-recruitment
Untuk melihat informasi magang, silakan akses melalui link berikut: Internship Program