Freeport Mining is All High-Tech, with Robotics and Automated Systems

17 December 2021

Mining is one of the industries that carries an elevated risk level for occupational health and safety (OSH/K3). As such, mining companies are required to have in place specific procedures and systems to ensure the safety of workers. PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Executive Vice President of Operations and Chief Mine Engineer Carl Tauran admits mining workers face a high level of risk, in particular in the underground mining area in   Tembagapura, Papua.  "A consequence of employing the block caving method in underground mining is the potential risk from rock falling from the force of gravity. The rock is taken out through draw points, and we have to extract it uniformly from the rock pillar structure, otherwise it will overbalance and bring about seismic results,” he informed detikcom some time ago.

The danger to workers is not only from falling rock due to technical error, but also from wet muck. Ore or rock is extracted from the underground mine using crew-less lorries. These lorries are controlled automatically by operators working outside the mine using computer technology. "A technology we apply is remote control. Most of our production equipment is automated, there are no operators in the field but in the control room, and therefore the potential for operators’ exposure to danger is minimized,” he continued. Additionally, PTFI has a tracking system for workers operating underground using a detection device in the personal protection equipment (PPE/ APD) they wear such as the savox and cap lamp. Through use of this technology adapted from Australia, workers’ positions can be tracked.

Ventilation in underground mines is facilitated through air circulation and the use of fans to ensure a continuous supply of sufficient oxygen. “Our control systems are automated; the ventilation system is equipped with sensors that calculate oxygen requirement, how much is needed which is then connected to fans, how many openings are needed, what the angles should be, to ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen, and this can all be monitored from my office,” he said, pointing to the oxygen level bars. Meanwhile in collapsed rock areas, danger zone indicator lights are installed. Should danger arise in an area, the lights will glow red, and if the situation is deemed safe, they will be green. “Red lights indicate all must leave the area and look for green lights,” he said.

There are also Refuge Chambers to provide shelter in the event of an incident occurring underground. The chambers are equipped with all that is necessary to survive for 36 hours. Drills are constantly held on all safety procedures to accustom the workers, such as for using savox, or when fire breaks out. One female mine operator, Yubrina Radongkir said throughout the time she has worked in underground mining, all machinery work automatically in the event of errors, thus minimizing damage and hazards. “Safety here is excellent, as before we enter the mine, we are required to wear full personal protection equipment (PPE) and have in hand all necessary equipment to enter the mine. There is a separate protection system when a loader is running so that it instantly turns off if it is about to collide with a person or is about to hit a minegem operating area,“ said the woman works as a loader truck operator from the control room.

For the record, PT Freeport Indonesia was recommended for Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) ce18001:2007 certification after completing the OHSAS 18001:2007 2nd Stage Compliance audit and the audit for Star Ranking from the National Occupational Safety Association (NOSA) CMB-150N (by risk) conducted by the National Occupational Safety Association (NOSA), a world class supplier of occupational risk management services.

Detikcom and MIND ID have together launched a program, Jelajah Tambang on expeditions to mining districts in Indonesia. detikcom visited mining industry towns across Indonesia to comprehensively depict how communities and mineral producing regions live, and how their products are processed.

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