22 June 2023
The future of mining business in Indonesia, specifically the copper industry, is considered to be extremely promising. This is in line with the abundance of resources, as well as the support facilities in the form of the construction/development of several new smelters which are going to be finished in the near future.
PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) President Director, Tony Wenas, said, such as in the company’s mining field led by him in Tembagapura, Mimika, Central Papua. At this location there are still many resource reserves which aren’t explored yet, which would be beneficial for Indonesia with the presence of the new smelter(s) eventually.
“In our location, in Tembagapura, there are still many reserves. There are some 1 billion tons of ore, non-concentrate. From the (mined) ore which is subsequently processed into concentrate, it’s then sent to the smelter,” Tony told the media in Gresik, East Java, Tuesday (6/20).
According to Tony, said estimated amount is just at one PT Freeport Indonesia’ mining location. While outside that area the assessment is that there are still plenty of resources that have not been optimized yet, amounting to billions of tons, or even more.
“There are billions of tons of resources, which if explored could become reserves. Therefore, if indeed extended additional time later on, we will further explore. The resources are sufficiently abundant to supply concentrate to Gresik, to be refined into copper cathodes, gold bars, and other items,” Tony related.
When further asked by the media in terms of the world consumers with the largest/highest copper cathodes demand to date, Tony said that there are many countries, with one of those interested countries being China. The highest copper consumer is China, as well as other developed countries,” Tony said.
The world’s copper demand is predicted by Tony to continue to increase, along with the development of technological advances. Moreover, as much as 70 percent of copper production in the world today, Tony mentioned, is widely used for conducting electricity, as well as those that are still related to electrical.
“Renewable energy for new plants requires a lot of copper, as well as electric. Therefore, going forward copper looks very promising and it’s very fortunate Indonesia has become one of the main copper players,” Tony said.
He continued to say, the completion of the smelter owned by PT Freeport Indonesia in the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) in the Gresik Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and the one owned by PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) in West Nusa Tenggara will subsequently complement the existence of the PT Smelting smelter in Gresik, which presently is currently already operational. (Kompas.com).
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